I've been out of it again. Honestly, my feet were still hurting from my marathon, then I started having really bad back pain, and I didn't feel like writing about my adventures. I felt pretty lame actually. I think I felt since I wasn't running, I had to push myself more in yoga. Except that didn't really help in the end. I took a step back and the strange thing is I feel like I'm getting more from my yoga practice by doing less. I'm not necessarily doing less, but I'm focussed on doing everything right. Sometimes that means not doing as much. Good lesson! So here's my post Thanksgiving update.
Kitty really enjoyed Thanksgiving. Now he's enjoying our Christmas tree.
Take a look at this tree. Ours is a little smaller.
I like to be a Christmas tourist on my lunch break. Even though it was 65 degrees and I wasn't even wearing a jacket, it still puts you in the Christmas spirit. You can't help but feel wintry when everyone is ice skating.
I also forgot to mention all the weird people I saw on the street today, like the people with the dog stroller, the old lady with the grill, and a man who looked like Santa in disguise. Actually, I'm pretty sure he was Santa. So that's it for now. In exactly one week Josh and I will be heading to Cali for an early Christmas there. We should have lots of fun pictures from that.