Friday, March 22, 2013

Hey...Remember me?

I haven’t posted in a while. Sorry. But there are many reasons why, good and bad:


  1. I HAVE TWO SUPER CUTE KITTIES! Seriously, I can’t get anything done because they are just too darn cute. They chase each other around. They hug each other when they sleep. They groom each other. They’re having a total bromance. It’s really distracting.

  2. I signed up for an online class…on the hero in Greek literature. It’s kind of cool, but also a lot of reading.

  3. Did I mention how cute my kitties are? I think that should be reiterated.


  1. My toe is STILL swollen. It’s getting better but I was told not to run on it until it’s all better. The super dramatic, pessimistic part of me thinks that will never happen. The realistic part of me thinks it will be another week or two. It’s just hard to write about the adventures of Running Lisa when there’s no running.

  2. The kitties are REALLY distracting.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Welcome, Blue!

Everyone, meet Blue!

After probably months of trying to convince Josh that Oliver would really like a friend, he finally caved and we welcomed Blue into our apartment on Wednesday. Since then the apartment has felt like some live nature show. Most websites said to keep the cats separate for possibly weeks before introducing them, but Oliver was too curious. We introduced them within minutes and I have to say, I'm super impressed with Oliver. There were lots of kitty nose kisses, they stared at each other a lot, and Oliver even knew when to give Blue space.

They warned me that Blue would be shy, so these are the only pictures I have. He currently spends most of his days hiding under the bed, unless it's really really quiet, then he pokes his head out. We may have to give him a week or so before he gets used to us and I'm trying my best to be patient but patience is not one of my many virtues.

Oliver has been a big help. He goes into the room and sticks his head under the bed and makes this little chirping noise like he's asking a very polite question. Blue responds with a very little meow and they talk back and forth for a while. Usually Blue tries to come out a little. Blue gets really adventurous at night. I can hear them running all around the apartment, chasing each other. One morning we woke up and all the toy mice found their way into the bedroom. Blue is more willing to approach us at night, so I got up to go to the bathroom last night, then stayed up with them a little to play. I wish I had more pictures to show you because Blue is super cute when he bats around his toys. One of Oliver's favorite games is what we like to call sneak attack. He hides behind something and waits for you to walk by then jumps at you and runs away. They played sneak attack and ran all over the apartment. At 4am. I'm sure the downstairs neighbors LOVE us. But then the sun comes up and Blue goes back into hiding. Oliver seems a little concerned about his friend. Why won't he play during the day? I'm hoping Blue will come join us for snuggles sometime this weekend then I can take more pictures to show you. Until then, crazy cat lady out.