Friday, June 10, 2011

Bad Runner

I’ve been a bad runner. It’s been pretty darn hot here and I deemed it too hot to run, but somehow it wasn’t too hot to go to Bikram Yoga and stand in a 100 degree room with someone yelling “Push! Lock your knee!” Yes, I know. I think I’m officially crazy. Class sucked and I felt really blah and lackluster the entire class. But once I got home and showered I was riding the post-yoga high. I felt brand new. By the way, post-Bikram showers are pretty much the best thing EVER. You’ll never feel cleaner.

I knew I had to make up for the lack of running, so this morning I dragged myself out of bed to go for a run. I’ve been doing this thing lately where when I know I’m going for a run in the morning, I wake up like an hour before my alarm. This is NOT intentional. In fact, it’s super annoying. I guess my body is excited at the idea of a run it just can’t wait? Today I had a reason to be excited- I was going to try out my NEW SHOES!!!!

Is it sad that I’m more excited when I get new running shoes than I am when I get new regular shoes?

These are the same Mizuno Wave Riders as my last pair, they just only had this color in my size. I tried on other shoes when I went to the store, but my feet know what they like. The Mizunos are so light it feels almost like I’m wearing nothing at all! Plus, I think these are pretty snazzy looking. They have this chameleon-like quality when you go in the sun and parts of the trim turn a scaly blue.

Another benefit to the black shoe- they contrast nicely with my pale white legs and make my legs look even paler.


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