Wednesday, July 20, 2011


On today’s run, I almost came home with a kitty. About two minutes into my run, there was a cat just sitting by the basketball courts staring at all the birds in the trees. He was all black with yellow eyes and looked like he was maybe 6 to 9 months old. I called him a few times, and he started coming towards me, but always got distracted by a bird or a leaf blowing in the wind. Then he ran behind a bush and started attacking something. He was super duper cute. Now that I’ve seen him there, I’ll probably always look for him when I run by. I even thought about getting one of those pouches of cat food so I could carry that in my fuel strap when I go on morning runs, just in case I see him. Would that be a bit much?

Since this isn’t a blog about how I’m future a crazy cat lady, let’s talk about running. I gave up on rescuing the kitty (for now) and actually did some running. I decided maybe I should try some speed work. I’m not very good at following complicated workout instructions, so I kept it simple and sprinted between light posts. I sprinted for two light posts and recovered for one. I hate speed workouts and even at 7am it was still crazy hot, so I just did sprints for about 20 minutes. I feel like I should have done more, but damn it’s hot. Plus I kinda wanted to go back and look for the kitty.

PS I've just decided the cat's name is Speedy! (I know. I'm a dork)

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