Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yoga Dilemma

I’m a week in and my 30 day challenge and I know that this is the part where it starts to get hard and you start thinking “Is this EVER going to end?” But so far, I think it’s going really well. I’m learning lots of interesting things about my body. You would think that doing the same poses over and over again would get really stale and boring, but it doesn’t. Each time it feels different. During my pilates adventures, I discovered a whole bunch of core muscles that I literally didn’t know existed. You know what? Using those muscles really helps! Things that seemed totally impossible are now just nearly impossible just by using those muscles. And I also don’t distribute my weight evenly. My left leg doesn’t do as much work as my right. Who knew?

I now have a dilemma. This Thursday, my friends and I are going to see Wicked. I literally haven’t seen a Broadway show in FOREVER, so this should be pretty exciting. BUT if I go to the show after work, I can’t go to yoga and I can’t fail the 30 day challenge! So here are my options:

  1. Get up at 5:30am and go to the early morning class, then to work, then to the show. But that sounds EXHAUSTING.
  2. Skip it. I know that they’ll let you make up one of your classes another day by doing two classes in one day. I could do that, but that feels like cheating.
  3. If I could find some reason to work from home for the day, I could take a long lunch and go then. But what would my reason be?

So which one do I go with?

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