Monday, March 26, 2012

Running, Food and Home Depot

Friday was an interesting day. My stomach was very angry at me all day and I didn’t have much of an appetite. So what do I do about that? I go to the gym! I figured either one of two things would happen: 1. I would double over in pain and curse myself for attempting something so stupid. 2. I would feel better and pay myself on the back for such a brilliant idea. Sometimes when I feel icky, getting my blood flowing actually helps, plus I didn’t want to delay the running again. It was starting to sound like I was making excuses. So off to the gym I went.

In the end, it turned out to be a brilliant idea. I did a short run (10 minutes walking and 10 minutes running) to ease myself back into it. My legs were still a bit sore from the workout with the trainer, but I felt strong. After that, I did 10 minutes of arms, then stretching. One thing I’ve noticed from all my time away from running, I’m extra stretchy now. I did my usual post-run stretches and had to push myself more to feel the stretch. Hopefully that will help during my training.

What did I do post-run? Eat of course. Now after a day of feeling totally sick to my stomach, I’m sure going to a tapas bar isn’t exactly the best idea, but I can’t say no to tapas. I’m SO GLAD I went. This place was amazing. We went to Boqueria in Flat Iron and for large parties, they have a tasting menu that’s $40 per person (plus tax, tip and beverages). You don’t have to order anything. You tell them if you have any dietary restrictions then they bring you plate after plate of delicious tasty bites. I liked eating just what I was served. No agonizing over what to choose and no regret if someone else’s food looks better. It was actually a lot of food for the money too. If anyone wants to gather a large party and go back, you can count me in. It was wonderful.

Saturday was spent at Home Depot. I think you can tell you’re an adult when you suddenly love looking at bath fixtures and lighting. Since it’s officially Spring, Josh and I are ready to get our farmer on. We bought lettuce, spinach, and pea seeds, plus we have a little rose bush too. They’re all very happy in our window. Last year I started these too late, so hopefully things will work out this year.

Sunday was Spring cleaning, ie reorganizing the pantry while watching the Muppets. The Muppets make any task more exciting. Then I went to the last Sunday donation class for Team Happy Hippo. It was another great class. I'm feeling so strong and ready to take on this marathon training...I think.

Phew. That was a busy weekend.

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