Monday, September 19, 2011

Roll with it

If you’re a runner, I’m sure you’re very well acquainted with the dreaded foam roller. I got news for you. There’s a better option out there. During last year’s marathon training, I had all sorts of aches and pains and somehow found myself at a body rolling class. Body rolling is exactly how it sounds- you roll your body on these little bouncy balls to help release and lengthen your tight muscles.

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It doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the foam roller and, at least in my opinion, the results are a whole lot better. It’s like giving yourself a massage.

Well I had forgotten all about the wonderfulness that is body rolling until I got an email from my favorite body roller/yoga teacher/acupuncturist. She was holding a workshop for runners and it was all about the legs. That sounds like exactly what I needed. After 2 hours of rolling around on these little bouncy balls, my legs felt completely relaxed and longer. It was amazing. Intense body rolling also makes me feel a little high, so that’s a very pleasant side effect. Now I have a new tool to make this hamstring 100%. I know that if I want to increase my flexibility and work out all the kinks in my legs, I need to body roll more. Note to my friends: If you come over to my apartment, you’ll probably find me sitting on some bouncy balls. It might be weird, but you’ve been forewarned.

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