Monday, August 6, 2012

Celebrate Hope and Kitty News

Saturday was quite an interesting day. It was hot, and the air was like soup, so I went for a VERY SLOOOOOW run. Good news is it was a down week for me, so I only ran about 6 or 7 miles. Bad news- no pastry :( But more good news! Post-run, we had breakfast at the Hope Lodge with the Hope Lodge guests and my fellow runners. It’s an event we call Celebrate Hope, and it’s usually one of the best events of the training season. It ended up being part celebration, part therapy. The most touching part is always when everyone shares their stories, either why they’re running or why they’re staying at Hope Lodge. There were LOTS of stories. A few of them had happy endings, but more often than not, they didn’t. This is why we all run and raise money. One of the common sentiments amongst the runners was they didn’t know what else to do. They couldn’t do nothing, but we’re not doctors. We can’t find a cure. But we can run, and raise money, and maybe inspire people. It was a very touching morning and it reminds me how thankful I am to be a part of DetermiNation. You can always help by donating here. I'm SUPER CLOSE to my goal. Who wants to give that last little push?

The rest of my day was less good, and it had to do with the kitty. We took him to the vet on Saturday afternoon, and just has a precaution, had him scanned for a microchip. Wouldn’t you guess that the one cat I find that I actually want to keep has a microchip? I was a little bit heartbroken. I called the chip company and they told me someone would be calling me right back. So I waited. And waited. And waited. After about an hour I called them back. They said they spoke to the owners and gave them my phone number. I was a little confused. No owner had called me. Why would someone missing their cat wait? I asked if they sounded like they wanted him. They said all they can tell me is they gave them my number, and I have to wait for them to call me. Ball is in their court. BUT if they don’t call me within 2 weeks, then I can go through the process of having his chip information changed over to me. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but it’s been 2 days, and they haven’t called. And I had his for almost a week before I called the chip company and he was never reported missing. The vet assistant said believe it or not, a lot of times people “lose” their pets and don’t want them back. (That’s a whole other thing that really pisses me off, that I won’t rant about now.) So I’m just crossing my fingers that no one calls. I’m pretty sure he wants to be my cat. His last owners named him Chris. He told me he doesn't want to be Chris because that's a dumb name for a cat.

Plus I can’t give him back now. He’s too stinking cute.

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