Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

I know. I’ve been a bad blogger recently. With all the holidays and running around and seeing family, I’ve been a bit busy. Now that’s all done and life can get back to normal. So here are the highlights:

First stop, Southern California. We went to Disneyland where there were no lines. We went to Crystal Cove and saw an octopus (and other critters) in the tide pools. We ate LOTS of yummy Mexican food, did lots of driving and saw lots of family. And there was lots of sun.

Back to New York for a few days then off to Virginia for Christmas. We again at lots of yummy food (there was goose and bread dumplings!). We drank lots of wine. And I saw a fox! It was not a white Christmas, but it did snow the day after, so I’m going to say that counts.

Honestly, at this point I was feeling like a giant beach ball after two weeks of food and alcohol and my body was yelling at me for not going to yoga or doing anything physical for two whole weeks. One of the first things I did when I got back into the city was head to yoga. I felt a little like the tin man and I needed my oil can. Feeling much better now.

Then it was time for New Year’s. Luckily we didn’t have to travel anywhere for this. We just had to avoid the crowds in Times Square, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. We rang in the New Year with friends and champagne, so I had no complaints.

So what are my plans for the New Year?

  1. Run a half marathon in under 2 hours. This means I’ll have to work hard and actually try to run faster.
  2. Weight train at least twice a week. Gotta work on my guns.
  3. Save up enough money to visit MiMi in Japan in October or November. This is going to be quite a bit of money so donations are welcome :)
  4. Make more money! This could be finding another job (though pickings are slim), working freelance jobs on the side, or just getting a raise. I think I might have to go with option number 2.
  5. Learn something new. I’m signing up for a free online class on the Greek Hero. I’m thinking about learning more about graphic design as well but I'm just doing research on that now. That might be a 2014 goal.

That's it for me. What are your 2013 goals?

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