Friday, January 20, 2012

30 day Update

I somehow got super busy today, but I’d like to take 2 minutes to update you on my 30 day challenge.

We will not speak of day 15. I don’t know what happened, but I really wasn’t “there” that day. Day 16 was a little better. Then something happened half way through my Day 17 class. I realized I was kind of coasting, just doing what I knew I could do, and not trying to do anything extra. The second half of the class was amazing. I tried and because I tried, and REALLY tried not just half tried, I felt things I hadn’t really felt before. Like there are a lot more muscles in my stomach than I thought, and I wasn’t using most of them in my sit up. And my calf reached a whole new level of stretchiness. Here’s to day working hard on day 18!

Also here’s a picture of Jack McBrayer (aka Kenneth from “30 Rock”). He was at the Apple store learning all about iCloud.

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