Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sometimes you feel like a nut butter

I’ve completed 5 days of my 30 day challenge, but I’ve already started losing track. I’m already feeling really great and loose, except for this darn cold. The strange thing is I feel cruddy most of the day, until I get into what we affectionately call the “hot room.” I think the humidity does something to really clear out my head. That plus all the sweat going up my nose. If that sounds unappealing, it kind of is, but trust me, it works. I’m not really looking forward to day 6. I gotta admit that I may have gone out last night and I may have had a few too many drinks do I might be moving a little slow today.

In other and, in my opinion, more exciting news, I’ve been playing with my new food processor and today I made my own almond butter. I’ve always loved peanut butter, but Josh is allergic and since he’s moved in, my breakfast has been nut butter-less. I always look at the almond butter and say, I’m going to get that, but I can never justify spending $8 on the tiniest bit of butter. As I was perusing the food processor instruction book I cam across a section on how to make your own nut butters and I was sold. You wouldn’t believe how easy it is. You literally put the nuts in the food processor (they can be raw or roasted, up to you) and turn it on. I stopped it every 5 minutes or so to scrape the sides. All in all it took about 20 minutes of running it to create a nice thick almond butter.

You can run it longer if you like it creamier. A quick internet search also recommended adding flavors to your nut butter, like cinnamon, cocoa, orange zest- almost anything really.

Now I have fresh almond butter sitting in my fridge and it didn’t cost me an arm and a leg. I can’t wait to spread some on my pumpkin bread for breakfast!

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