Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 94786590394521

Ok it's actually only day 21, but it sure feels like more.

Last I left you, I promised to try to work harder and you know what? I think I am. I’m feeling things in class that I’ve never felt before. Different muscles are sore after class. I’m listening to the teacher and I’m SUCKING in my abs. (Turns out, those muscles are actually really useful.) I’m even learning to love the poses that I hate.

Like this one

Or this one, except that mine looks NOTHING like this

I still don’t love this one yet and I’m not sure that I ever will, but hey, I’m trying it at least.

The funny thing that I’m learning is that you never really will get all of it perfectly, and that’s ok. For some reason, going into yoga I thought that I would do yoga, become flexible, and everything would just stay that way and be wonderful. That doesn’t happen. Our bodies are not perfect. We will never be able to do everything perfectly. But I think that’s ok. So for my last week and a half of my 30 day challenge, I’m going to keep working hard, but I’ll try to remember it’s ok to not be perfect.

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