Monday, November 28, 2011

Sweatin' Out the Turkey

Last I left you, I was on my way to a yoga class in Alexandria on Friday. I always love to go to yoga after Thanksgiving and sweat out all the turkey. It's my own little tradition. By now, I've been to a few other Bikram studios, but I gotta say I love my studio in Harlem. One thing I love about Harlem is we're all so comfortable with each other. We have people of all shapes and sizes wearing their skimpy little outfits (it IS hot after all) and no one bats an eye. When I visit other studios, that's not the case. The only people in their skimpy little outfits are the women with perfect tans and perfect abs and everyone else is pretty covered. I even noticed that when I was in Spain, which I thought was very strange. It made me feel like such an outsider. The class in Alexandria was good and I definitely needed it, but it wasn't like home.

The rest of the weekend was spent eating more food (gotta finish off those leftovers!) and hanging out with Josh's family. We even walked around old town Alexandria, which is just the cutest place ever. We headed back to New York on Saturday and I finished my weekend with (what else?) a visit to Bikram Yoga Harlem. It's good to be home.

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