Monday, December 12, 2011

Pilates Ouch

I mentioned that I was going to try out a pilates class on Saturday, to work off some of those holiday indulgences. I’ve done mat pilates before, but this time I tried a tower class. This tower looks kind of like a torture device, and at times it feels like one. Everything we did was pretty straight-forward, like pushing the straps with our arms or legs, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. My tummy prefers to be flabby and unengaged. It doesn’t really want to do ANY work. But considering how important the core is, I guess I should at least attempt to have some strength in my tummy.

So the first class was pretty good. I’m still sore and yoga on Sunday was a bit tough. Tonight I go back for my second, and honestly, I’m scared. The package I bought included 4 classes. Since their schedule was filling up, I reserved all my classes, just sort of based on what would fit with my schedule. I have one more class tonight and then two after Christmas. I got to the studio early on Saturday and saw some of the previous class. It’s not at all what I expected. They were jumping up and down, running in place, bicycling the air with weights in their hands, jumping in and out of plank, all while a little excited man pranced around. None of these sound like things I enjoy and the girls in the class sounded like they were going to cry. I looked at the schedule to see what this torture was and lo and behold, it’s the class I signed up for tonight.

I don’t think this is going to be pretty. Here's to hoping I make it through in one piece.

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