Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Resolutions Report

Well in case you haven't noticed we're well into February. Where does the time go? Let's check in on all of our New Year's Resolutions, shall we?

  • Pay off my credit cards- Thanks to my tax return, I should be well on my way!
  • Become a legitimate staff member at work- I've talked to my boss. Now it's up to the big boss.
  • Run Chicago marathon in under 5 hours. I’d also like to actually train properly and push myself a little harder. As much as I hate it, weight training (and having muscles) is pretty important to marathon running.- Ok, well I signed up, and did a few push ups, so I'd say I'm at least on the right track.
  • Eat smaller portions at meal time and SLOW DOWN- I have a trick for this. Eat how Josh eats. He eats slow. I'm still working on this one, but it's easier when I'm eating with him.
  • Just because food is free, doesn’t mean I NEED to eat it- I will NEVER pass up free fruit, but I've been able to pass up free pastries. I call that success!
  • Eat less meat and certainly less “mystery” meat. If I’m going to eat meat, it should be something quality and organic- I've actually been eating just vegetarian or fish. I even made a vegetarian "meat" loaf. Josh couldn't even tell the difference. So far, so good!
  • Play piano once a week. I always liked playing the piano, and now I can barely read music. Not cool.- Ok. I admit. I haven't done this one at all. But I'd like to. I'll work on this one.
  • Blog more. I know you’re all DYING to know what I’m up to :)- I think I've been doing this one.
  • Set up blog analytics. - Nope. I actually totally forgot about this one :)

So it seems like I'm on the right track so far in 2012. Have you stuck to your resolutions?

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