Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Awesome things are happening. Here's a brief list:

  1. I got my welcome packet for the Chicago Marathon. Not gonna lie, I was kinda giddy. This thing is getting REAL.
  2. Remember those resolutions I made? Well I'm actually moving forward with them. I practiced the piano, which was incredibly humbling. I've never been great at reading music, but I can't read a single note. Thank goodness for the internet! My credit card is this close to being paid off. About two more months and it should be done! I also had a meeting with my big boss today about officially becoming staff. I don't know if it will happen but I said EXACTLY what I wanted to say, and he agreed with me. I usually get nervous and don't say the right thing, so this was empowering!
  3. One of my bestest best friends from middle school is making a surprise visit this weekend. I'm a little bit excited. Ok. A lot.
  4. Did I mention my awesome Oscar party? There were themed snacks. My favorite: Miss Piggy in a blanket. Hey, the Muppets were nominated.

Very exciting times in the life of running Lisa!

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