Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

By now, you might be asking, “Hey, Running Lisa, what do you do when you’re not running?” Good question. If you don’t know me, you should know one thing: I hate the gym. I think it’s a place of torture and I refuse to go there, but I still need to do my cross training. I prefer to torture myself in another way: Bikram Yoga. In case you don’t know, Bikram is a set of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a heated room. We’re talking over 100 degrees hot, plus humidity. Crazy, right? I started out several years ago with just regular old Vinyasa yoga. When I was living in California, I found a more intense class and I loved it. Then I moved to New York and I upped the intensity again with heated Vinyasa classes. I flirted with this for a while until I moved to Harlem. There’s a Bikram studio in my neighborhood and they had a 30 days for $30 special. I tried it and was hooked. I don’t know what it is about it that I love, but I’m pretty much addicted. Not only do I get a great stretch (and a great sweat) I’ve learned a lot about my body that can be applied to my running. Like how I have lots of muscles in my legs that I’m ACTUALLY supposed to use. Or like how your core ACTUALLY has a purpose. Who woulda thunk?

This time of year, I start to question my sanity. If you've never been in the city during the summer, it's HUMID and SMELLY. So not only is it hot in the hot room, it’s CRAZY HOT. Like so hot I ask myself "WHY AM I HERE?!?" I had one of those classes last night. I think I sweat out a small child. Recently I’ve taken to dreaming about ice cubes in class. I imagine myself completely covered in ice cubes up to my neck. This is how I know I’m really going crazy. But I still drag myself to class 3 to 4 times a week. It’s like the Yin to my running Yang. Plus, where else can you find lots of attractive sweaty guys in tiny little speedos?

This is Dandayamana-Dhanurasana, or bow pulling pose. It's one of my favorites. Can't you tell from the look on my face?

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