Monday, June 20, 2011

Traveling Lisa - Part 2

Last time, on the Adventures of Running Lisa…

When we last left off, I was trying to get to Sacramento but ended up in San Francisco with my very good friend that I hardly ever see. We spent our Saturday hanging out at the lake, herding geese and just talking. That afternoon I was able to catch a ride with my uncle and FINALLY arrived in Sacramento- well, Lodi to be precise.

I arrived just in time for BBQ, followed by birthday pie!

In case you can’t tell, that’s my Pop Pop standing in front of three different kinds of pie- lemon meringue, chocolate crème, and coconut crème. Yes, I tasted them all.

The next morning I knew I had to run. Since I only did about 3 miles on Saturday, the Queens half marathon is about 6 WEEKS AWAY, and I ate all that pie, I knew I had to squeeze in a long run. I don’t really know my way around Lodi, so for this run, I had to face my greatest foe- THE TREADMILL!!!

Scary huh? I turned my iPod to the Go! Team’s “The Power is On” and hopped on the treadmill. This song makes me feel like I should walk into a room in slow motion and do a roundhouse kick to a bad guy’s face. I figured it could help me get through my treadmill run. AND You know what? I kicked that treadmill’s BUTT! I did 7 miles in 68:49. Take that!

I decided to follow my run with a quick dip in the pool. I figured it would be like an ice bath, except not cold and much more pleasant. I just floated for about 10 minutes. It was wonderful.
Finally, no trip to California would be complete without a visit to the local In N Out.

This is a number 2 animal style. I scarfed it down.

The flight back to New York was very uneventful. I was SO tired and as soon as we got on the plane I passed out and woke up about 5 minutes before landing. I’m not exactly sure what day or time it is, but this weary traveler is happy to be home.

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