Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Social Workout

Yesterday I stumbled across this site called Social Workout. The idea is kind of like twitter meets personal trainer. It’s a social networking site that helps you set lifestyle goals and connects you to other people that are attempting those goals. You can also create a group and you and your friends, coworkers, whatever, can set a group goal. It sounds like a really good idea, but I’m not quite sure how it works. So I’m giving it a shot. I like to think I’m pretty healthy, but the only problem I really have is late night after dinner snacking. I don’t usually buy snacks, but then I start turning things that are not meant to be snacks into snacks. It’s probably not good. So I set a personal goal to cut out all after dinner snacking. I’m hoping this site will make me feel accountable to something other than myself and I’ll stop the snacking. I’ll let you know how it goes.

In other news, my body is still doing this thing where it wakes me up earlier than I think is necessary, so today I decided to take advantage of it. For the last few weeks, I’ve been doing shorter distances, but I’ve been running harder and faster. Since I was awake at 6am (yea, I’m SUPER thrilled about that) I decided to go for a longer run. It still wasn’t too long, a little over 2 miles, but I felt super strong. At one point, I was listening to my iPod, running at a good pace, my arms swinging just right, and I felt like a freaking machine. Like I was a badass running super hero. That feeling never lasts long. Something always has to snap you out of it. This time, I think it was a giant pile of dog poo. Super heroes never have to dodge dog poo.

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