Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Hot Mess

Yesterday it was too hot to run, but somehow not to go to Bikram yoga. It was hot, but I survived. When I got home, I hydrated, ate cold foods (yay frozen grapes!), and hydrated some more.

The Queens half marathon is next Saturday (WHAT?) so this week was my down week. I was happy that my Saturday morning run was only 5 miles because it’s still crazy balls hot out. I drank a nice cold smoothie for breakfast, downed some water, and headed out. Yep. Still hot.

I met up with my DetermiNation group in Central Park for our regular Saturday morning runs. The coaches were all at a triathalon and I was somehow the unofficial leader of the run. We told everyone to go slow and drink more water than you think you need. I was honestly expecting the worst, like kill-me-now heat, but the run wasn’t that bad. There was a NYRR event so we “borrowed” some of their Gatorade, water and misting stations. Misting stations are THE BEST. I finished 5 miles in an awesome 58 minutes.

It was good to have my run done, but I think the heat is making people a little crazy. That brings me to my next As Seen On My Run.

As Seen On My Run: A Hot Mess

In all fairness, the following did not happen during my run. I was on the subway on the way home. There were some teenaged boys, a teenage girl, and an older lady in the same car with me. Out of nowhere the old lady started yelling at one of the boys “Don’t you fucking touch her! Don’t fucking talk to her! That’s my granddaughter!” She pulled the girl and they moved a few seats away. This upset the boy. He was curing and yelling “Can’t even pay someone a compliment. She’s beautiful. She has a beautiful face. Get off my fucking back. I don’t want people telling me what to do. She’s beautiful.”

He basically yelled variations of the above for at about 10 minutes. I blame the heat. It's clearly making New Yorkers crazier than usual.

I’m going to eat some more frozen grapes and stay cool.

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