Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th Weekend Recap

Well, this has been an eventful July 4th Weekend.

Saturday I got up early for a run, as usual. But this time I was just going to go for a quick run so I could come back to get ready for my friends’ wedding!

These are my friends Chung and Amy. Aren’t they cute?

I had a great time at the wedding on Saturday, but then I had to get down to business on Sunday. I woke up early for my long run, but my bad weather luck struck again. As I was getting ready with my pre-run snack, the sky opened up with a huge KABOOM and it started to pour. The sky was telling me to go back to bed. I slept a little more but when I woke up it became clear that I was not going to run this morning. There was a steady stream of rain that looked like it wouldn’t let up for a while. Instead I grabbed a bagel and watched Wimbeldon. A good alternative in my opinion.

That afternoon it cleared up a bit and I was able to head out for my 10 mile run. The sky was still spitting a little, but that was fine. It was like running with a mister. I ran from my apartment about 2 miles to the park, one loop around Central Park, and back. That brings me to my next edition of As Seen on My Run.
As Seen On My Run: Tourists

I entered the park at Harlem Hill and went to the left, so I didn’t have to run up the bad end of the hill. I’m not used to being in the park at this time of day, and I found it oddly quiet. Until I got more south. There was literally a line that I crossed somewhere around 96th St. THIS is where all the people were. I can’t even count how many lost tourists I saw. They were all wearing silly ponchos, standing in the middle of the running path in groups of 4 or 5, huddled around a map, arguing if they were here or there. I think next time I run in the park I’m going to wear a shirt that says “LOST? Directions! Only $5!” I could make a fortune.
The park was the park. I struggled. Then I felt amazing. Then I got a Gatorade. Then I ran next to this lady for about a mile and pretended like we were running together. Her presence was very comforting. I left the park strong and headed home.

One of the things I like about running in my neighborhood is finding cool things I don’t normally see. There are two new beer gardens not too far from my apartment that I don’t think I would have found otherwise.

I was nearing the end and feeling really good. Actually feeling even better than when I started. I could see the big yellow Deli sign that’s on the corner near my building. That sign is always like a beacon pointing me home. It’s how I can tell I’m almost there.

I finished my run strong (10 miles in 1:37:49) and was doing my stretches on the park bench. A guy across the street yelled, “Do that yoga, girl!” His friend corrected him and said, “That’s not yoga. That’s some stretching shit.”

Ah. It’s good to be home.

The rest of the weekend consisted of eating, drinking, and more eating. There’s nothing more American than that.

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