Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Running Thoughts

I was totally planning on going for a run last night. You know what I did instead? I took a nap. The very fact that I even wanted a nap helped convince me that maybe I should be nice to myself and just take a damn nap. Did I run when I woke up? No. I went to have girly drinks and fried food with my friends.

Since I took the night off, I figured I should get up early for a run this morning. I’m still sore from my long run on Saturday, so I went for a nice, easy 25 minute run. Since my unplanned run in the rain, my headphones have been on the fritz, and I haven’t had time to go get new ones, so I’ve been thinking more than usual on my solo runs. And what do you think about when you’re running? Why, running of course!

Here’s a few recurring thoughts from my music-free runs:
  1. I’m a slow starter. A REALLY slow starter. I curse myself for at least the first 10 minutes of any run before I submit to the running.
  2. I recently learned that running shorts are meant to be worn without underwear. I’m really enjoying my newfound freedom.
  3. Running isn’t exactly glamorous- unless you consider swallowing bugs, chafing and black toenails glamorous.
  4. Because of said black toenails, I should ALWAYS keep my toenails painted. No one wants to see that.
  5. Distance running is an odd hobby. When you think to yourself “Gee. I could really use something to fill my free time” I’m sure the first thing that leaps to mind isn’t exactly getting up at 6am to slather yourself with Body Glide and Vaseline so you can go run for 2 hours. Not sure how I picked up this hobby.
  6. I didn’t know I had so many muscles in my legs until all of them started hurting.
  7. Some people seem like they’re born to be runners. They have that perfect runner’s body, never seem to get an injury, and can run really fast. I’m not one of these people.
  8. It doesn’t matter if I run for 20 minutes or 2 hours, I always seem to end up DRENCHED in sweat.
Despite all of this, I still get up 4 days a week to go for a run. I’m still not exactly sure why. Maybe I secretly like to torture myself. Maybe I relish the challenge. Maybe it’s just a way to sort through all the random thoughts that jump through my head.

I guess I’ll have to think about this on my next run.

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