Thursday, July 7, 2011

News and no news

First and foremost, scroll up. See that? I have a new header! And what’s even cooler is that I pooled my limited graphic design skills and did this myself! I think it’s pretty awesome. Don’t even argue with me about that one. I will win.

Now to the running. There hasn’t been a whole lot of that. I did get to run at our Tuesday DetermiNation practice and it was a little awful. I remember this workout from last year, and I remember that it hurt in the same exact way as it did on Tuesday. We did out an out and back course practicing our effort levels. Run out at an Effort 4 (that’s a 4 out of 5) and back at an Effort 1. We did that for about 30 minutes. It sucked, but I think it was supposed to suck.

That was Tuesday night. I was totally planning on getting up this morning for a 3 mile run, but I didn’t. I feel very blah today. I’m sure this is TMI, but I also feel super low energy and blah during my “lady times.” I don’t want to exert myself and I get dehydrated and crampy really easily. And since I can’t just lock myself in a hole and not move for a week, this doesn’t exactly suit my lifestyle. If anyone has any advice on any foods to eat, supplements to take, etc, to make this super exciting time a little easier, I would greatly appreciate it. Sometimes, being a lady runner sucks.

That being said, I solemnly swear to drag my butt out of bed tomorrow and go for a run…unless I feel icky.

1 comment:

  1. As hard as it may seem- the exercise should help you feel more energetic even of you dont do all of yoru normal workout. Also try drinking milk or taking a calcium supplement to reduce PMS symptoms like fatigue. Dont forget to eat healthy and maybe some extra iron on the heavier days
